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S2 licensed
STCC progress
S2 licensed
hey just wondering if there is a way to check your license progress for the STCC servers on the net??
ive tried the site but it doesnt give u a progress bar.
i no you can do it on the servers with the $license command but just wanted to check it on the net if possible?
S2 licensed
to be honest whats the big deal with cracks?
u cant play them online which is the main part of LFS so y not just let these guys play off line and cause no body any harm...? its not like the Devs are loosing money over it as the demo is free and u have to pay for a license, its not like a CD or DVD copy where the Devs/company are loosing money as they have to pay for each disk to be published....
S2 licensed
i used to roller blade alot and the first time i went ice skating i had no problem with balance etc so i put it down to rollerblading....
get some roller blades n skate around the streets etc a bit you'll find it easier to balance next time ur on ice
S2 licensed
Quote from evilgeek :the game already has look left/right buttons. just use them.

alot of people dont use those... i played for 3 hours in the SCTT servers today and and so many people were ramming each other.
i was rammed a few times because i saw an oppertunity to over take but then the guy to the left or right of me would cut across ramming into me then they beep thier horn and blame me....
people need to use the look funtion alot more.
S2 licensed
Quote from nihil :Its a reasonable point, but you can't really see your bonnet in cockpit view either.

that depends on the can and your view distance
S2 licensed
i dont see how u can race in the "wheel" view, u cant see your bonnet so you cannot judge the how close you are to bumping someone etc.
also the guy who made the point about having the wheel on your desk and on the screen.... well you can turn the wheel off in the options so you just have the dash.... surely that would be more realistic? i use the wheel in the game to judge how much its being turned etc due to the fact that my wheel only turns 180degrees
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :It looks like he's playing Rallisport Challenge or Burnout: Rally Edition.
Too fast for a sim?

ever been in a rally car?
even just watchin rally on tv from in car is fast as hell
S2 licensed
in car its the only way, u can get closer to ur corners as you have a far beter judgement
S2 licensed
i got S2 2 nights ago so in my first few servers i entered i posted a message along these lines
"hey guys im very new too S2, so i apologise now if i spin out or maybe cause a crash"

most of the time people in the servers told me to go race offline my own (but in all honesty if thats what i planned to do then id have cracked the game)
in a few other servers, people were polite and just told me what blue flags ment etc
in atleast 2 of the servers people voted to kick me as soon as they read my message.

i mean wtf... seriously they were new to the game once also, telling us to race offline agains the "super intelligent" AI who u can lap on pro after 2 laps, how is that gonna help us improve.
this game is so much fun and im enjoying playing it right now but some peoples attitude towards new racers stinks because they seem to think they are the worlds best.....
S2 licensed
just use the clutch kick or the fient (scandinavien flick), if ur using the hand brake ALOT then it means u suck lol although the hand brake is usefull some times as it helps u continue yuor angle without loosin too much speed.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :

Save a replay always. Two reasons for this.. one, you can determine much easier whether someone does something deliberately if you watch the event from their perspective.. two, the STCC admins WILL take action against deliberate wreckers. Send us a replay of someone performing a pit move on you, and we'll get out the electrodes.

[edit] cheers Moosey! I need to learn to type faster

thanks ill bear that inmind from now on
the guys race name was BARTON if thats any help lol
how do i save a reply? im not too familiar with keyboard short cuts as ive only had the game a week
S2 licensed
to me thats not so much of a hero... they could have used something else to block the door but as a result he blocked it with his body and was then shot to death.... what was to stop the gun man pushing the door open once he was dead...?
S2 licensed
ok so i only got an S2 lisence 2 days ago but the last 2 days ive been racing on the STCC servers but ive been getting some decent times around the SO town course only 1 second from the race leaders which are usually 1:43's in the XFG.
problem is people who keep ramming you what seems to be intentionally and then saying sorry for the 15th time they do it.
i was in a server half an hour ago and on turn 3 of the SO town regular track some guy nocks me from the right which bumps me into the rear of the guy in front, so i say sorry even tho it werent my fault. the guy i accidently bumped then chased me round the next few bends and down the straight befor the hairpin he spins me out on purpose like a police PIT manouver!!! argh
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :And then some "special people" are so willing to hate and attack things different or new simply because they dont understand and dont want to understand.

thats what i think most of it is i think anyway, and a few people have said stuff like y should i bother answering or posted sarcastic comments about my first post. i never said i that i care about why people hate it. but i was asking why they hate it..... there is a difference

and to the guy above, i no you didnt say it and i never said u did :s
also i dont need to no how to use a search function its not 1 of the things i wanna do before im 25
Last edited by SLIDE WAYZ, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :you would probably get more search results

first off i never bothered using the search function because its the same on any other forum (well basically)
secondly, why do u think im defending the drifting community? i only asked the question to find out what other people thought about it. Sure not everyone hates drifting but they may dislike it to an extent etc
S2 licensed
that works great for me, although i hate havin lfs on a small screen and dont really wanna set up a second pc just to use something like this.
would it not be possible to make a flash version or something similar? so that we could view it via psp?
maybe even1 that we could send to the psp location free player via wireless??
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Yeah, so that means you don't know if you are racing or drifting. Is a bad thing if you think it's ok to drift around a pack of cars ina corner because youre drifting, and they are not.

erm no...... i mean im neutral on the fact that i dont prefer 1 over the other, in a race i race, if my tail kicks out then it kicks out much like any1 else, in drift servers i drift.....

damn retard
express your views
S2 licensed
ok there are probably 100 posts asking this very same question but hey the search function is usless it doesnt search for thread names but rather text inside the thread which leaves u wil 50 pages that have nothing to do with ur query.

anyway. the quesiton is this:
why do most the people in this "community" hate drifting or drifters?
i myself love racing and i love drifting but obviously not everyone feels the same.
drifters dont hinder you in races etc because they have thier own servers to enter. If u see a thread on the forum about drifting and u dont like the subject then why enter it? does these threads slow the forum down for you? no.... so whats the problem?

im neutral on the subject because i love both types grip and drifting i use both sets of servers also.
Sure lfs is a racing sim but it has realistic physics so why cant drifters use these to achieve their form of "racing" the racers do....

like i said my vote stands for a +1 for racing and a +1 for drifting.

whats your views? why are you so against 1 or the other?
flame away lol
S2 licensed
the thing that annoys me the most are the new "rock" bands. people like the killers etc.... just because they play their own instruments doesnt exactly mean they are rock.... there are way to many genres nowadays.
metal, emo, screamo, metal core, girnd core. hard core, love metal, dark metal, black metal, death metal.
and some1 said forrest metal? lmao wtf *we play with natures instruments* <- made that up btw lol
S2 licensed
hey id love to use this but for some reason i cant.... i have followed the instructions about 30 times.... and whenever i press connect nothing happens. im using it on the same pc as lfs how can i get it working
S2 licensed
from what ive learnt driving my RWD car in real live (toyota mr2 turbo, basically same power etc as the xrt) is that u have to be alot slower on corner entrances and once youve straightend out then u can floor it. take enter the bend in a higher gear to prevent too much wheel spin or accidental power over, on corner exit change down gear if needed.
also heel and toe if ur changing down gears at a higher speed then it should be, this way it keeps ur revs high and doesnt upset the balance of the car before entering a turn.
works for me on live for speed any way lol
S2 licensed
things like this always seem abit wierd.... kinda like 911.... they say the people who hijaked the plane only have a knife?? all the people on board and none of them thought they could take them on because they had a knife?
all the students in the college and he had 2 guns.... none of them thought to attack him..... he must have had to reload at some point if he shot so many people with pistols....
if it were japan he would have been kicked through a window before he could pull the trigger
S2 licensed
asif this threads still going lol any way, the thing i hate the most is when some1 says
(them)"u like metal?" (me)"yeh but i hate metallica and led zepplin" (them)"how can u be a fan of metal and not like those bands?!"
that really annoys me..... just because i like a type of music doesnt not mean i like EVERY single band in that catagory...
its like when people think they have to have long hair n wear big leather coats because they listen to metal.....
i look more like a chav then a metal head but belive me i am i big metal head:bannana_g:rock_band <--- machine head
S2 licensed
its the stuff that the birds, wolves and bears play